{"id":6340,"date":"2014-09-02T12:00:58","date_gmt":"2014-09-02T10:00:58","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.adventureforthought.com\/?p=6340"},"modified":"2018-03-21T16:04:24","modified_gmt":"2018-03-21T15:04:24","slug":"jak-rozwijac-liderow-w-erze-zmian","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.adventureforthought.com\/pl\/jak-rozwijac-liderow-w-erze-zmian\/","title":{"rendered":"Jak rozwija\u0107 lider\u00f3w w erze zmian?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Jak rozwija\u0107 lider\u00f3w w erze zmian?<\/h1>\n<\/header>\n

Jakich lider\u00f3w chcia\u0142by\u015b wykszta\u0142ci\u0107 w swojej organizacji? Sprawnie korzystaj\u0105cych ze sprawdzonych rozwi\u0105za\u0144 czy raczej nastawionych na tworzenie w\u0142asnych?<\/p>\n

Mo\u017cna rozr\u00f3\u017cni\u0107\u00a02 podej\u015bcia\u00a0<\/strong>do rozwoju osobistego:<\/p>\n

  1. Mo\u017cna\u00a0uczy\u0107 si\u0119 od innych<\/strong>, poprzez obserwowanie innych i ich na\u015bladowanie korzystaj\u0105c z dost\u0119pnych teorii, materia\u0142\u00f3w, mentor\u00f3w;<\/li>\n
  2. Mo\u017cna\u00a0uczy\u0107 si\u0119 od siebie<\/strong>, eksperymentuj\u0105c i odkrywaj\u0105c, poprzez do\u015bwiadczenia i refleksj\u0119 nad nimi.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    Oba podej\u015bcia s\u0105 przydatne, zastan\u00f3wmy si\u0119 jednak nad ich znaczeniem i wag\u0105 dla kszta\u0142cenia lider\u00f3w, niezale\u017cnie od tego czy uczenie si\u0119 jest indywidualne czy zespo\u0142owe. Najpierw jednak zdefiniujmy najwa\u017cniejsze role lidera w organizacji.<\/p>\n

    Do czego potrzebni s\u0105 organizacji liderzy?<\/strong><\/p>\n

    W skr\u00f3cie, widz\u0119 to tak:<\/p>\n

    • do kreowania nowych wizji i strategii \u2013 inspirowanie<\/li>\n
    • do wdra\u017cania zmian za pomoc\u0105 ludzi \u2013 modelowanie i anga\u017cowanie<\/li>\n
    • do wspierania ludzi w ich dzia\u0142aniach \u2013 wspieranie<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

      Dop\u00f3ki praca idzie zaplanowanym torem, potrzebujemy g\u0142\u00f3wnie dobrych zarz\u0105dc\u00f3w. W dzisiejszych czasach jest to coraz rzadszy stan. Coraz wi\u0119cej jest zmian i to zar\u00f3wno tych zewn\u0119trznych, jak i wewn\u0119trznych. Na zmiany organizacje musz\u0105 reagowa\u0107. Robi\u0105 to albo\u00a0reaktywnie<\/strong>, np. opanowuj\u0105c kryzysy albo\u00a0proaktywnie<\/strong>, np. pracuj\u0105c nad wizj\u0105 i strategi\u0105 oraz wspieraj\u0105c ludzi aby sami znajdowali rozwi\u0105zania. Wtedy potrzebni s\u0105 liderzy.<\/p>\n

      Ci\u0105g\u0142e uczenie si\u0119 i doskonalenie, potrzeba\u00a0ci\u0105g\u0142ego odnawiania wizji<\/strong>\u00a0i strategii osobistej oraz organizacyjnej, konieczno\u015b\u0107 poszukiwania zupe\u0142nie\u00a0nowych rozwi\u0105za\u0144<\/strong>\u00a0\u2013 wymaga otwartego, tw\u00f3rczego i proaktywnego podej\u015bcia bazuj\u0105cego na do\u015bwiadczeniu, intuicji oraz inteligencji emocjonalnej i duchowej \u2013\u00a0cech unikalnych osoby<\/strong>, kt\u00f3rych nie mo\u017cna narzuci\u0107 lub skopiowa\u0107.<\/p>\n

      Poniewa\u017c proaktywno\u015b\u0107 jest skuteczniejsz\u0105 strategi\u0105 w budowaniu organizacji ni\u017c gaszenie po\u017car\u00f3w, potrzebni s\u0105 liderzy o szerokiej \u015bwiadomo\u015bci, aktywnie konfrontuj\u0105cy zastany status quo, oraz na tyle tw\u00f3rczy aby kreowa\u0107 nowe rzeczywisto\u015bci. Aby to osi\u0105gn\u0105\u0107 trzeba znale\u017a\u0107 w\u0142a\u015bciwych ludzi oraz stworzy\u0107 dla nich specjalny klimat organizacyjny.<\/p>\n

      Cechy lider\u00f3w i proces ich rozwoju<\/strong><\/p>\n

      Stephen Covey, w ksi\u0105\u017cce \u201c8 nawyk\u201d, za najwa\u017cniejsze dla lidera uwa\u017ca rozw\u00f3j 4-ch cech: wizji, dyscypliny, pasji i etyki. Wyrobienie w sobie tych cech jest nierozerwalnie zwi\u0105zane z\u00a0prac\u0105 nad sob\u0105\u00a0<\/strong>w sensie odkrywania\u00a0w\u0142asnej drogi<\/strong>\u00a0(pasja i wizja), bazuj\u0105c na w\u0142asnych\u00a0warto\u015bciach<\/strong>(etyka) i zainteresowaniach, oraz z prac\u0105 nad sob\u0105, tak, \u00a0aby by\u0107 konsekwentnym (dyscyplina).<\/p>\n

      Badania Covey\u2019a doprowadzi\u0142y go do wniosku, \u017ce decyduj\u0105cy dla lidera nie jest zestaw\u00a0narz\u0119dzi <\/strong>do opanowania, a raczej zestaw\u00a0uniwersalnych zasad<\/strong>\u00a0post\u0119powania, kt\u00f3re lider musi sam wypracowa\u0107. Narz\u0119dzia s\u0105 drugorz\u0119dne w stosunku do zasad, bo przecie\u017c np. wolimy mie\u0107 do czynienia z uczciwym pracownikiem, kt\u00f3rego mo\u017cemy wyposa\u017cy\u0107 w wiele narz\u0119dzi \u2013 ni\u017c z cz\u0142owiekiem nieuczciwym, cho\u0107 \u015bwietnie wykszta\u0142conym.<\/p>\n

      Zasady, o kt\u00f3rych m\u00f3wi Covey \u2013 to przecie\u017c cechy\u00a0charakteru<\/strong>, kt\u00f3re s\u0105 niemo\u017cliwe do nabycia za pomoc\u0105 metod podawczych, typu szkolenia z przewag\u0105 wyk\u0142adu. Aby je naby\u0107, sam ucz\u0105cy si\u0119 \u2013 wspierany czasem przez coacha \u2013 musi aktywnie\u00a0eksperymentowa\u0107<\/strong>\u00a0i odpowiada\u0107 sobie na wiele znacz\u0105cych\u00a0pyta\u0144<\/strong>.<\/p>\n

      St\u0105d narodzi\u0142y si\u0119 metody experiential education, action learning czy co-active coaching, dla kt\u00f3rych proponuj\u0119 wsp\u00f3ln\u0105 nazw\u0119 metod\u00a0ko-aktywnych<\/strong>.<\/p>\n

      Odpowiedzialno\u015b\u0107<\/strong>\u00a0za uczenie si\u0119 le\u017cy w tych metodach przede wszystkim\u00a0na ucz\u0105cym si\u0119<\/strong>, a nie na coachu. Do tego nie jeste\u015bmy przyzwyczajeni \u2013 bo nasza szko\u0142a uczy inaczej \u2013 i st\u0105d trudno\u015bci we wdra\u017caniu tych metod na szersz\u0105 skal\u0119 Tym mocniej przemawiaj\u0105 do mnie s\u0142owa Covey\u2019a \u201eLeadership to nie stanowisko, to \u015bwiadomy\u00a0wyb\u00f3r<\/strong>\u201d. Ucz\u0105cy si\u0119 ma wyb\u00f3r: uczy\u0107 si\u0119\u00a0biernie<\/strong>\u00a0lubaktywnie<\/strong>. Ci, \u00a0kt\u00f3rzy ucz\u0105 si\u0119 aktywniej, kt\u00f3rzy wi\u0119cej eksperymentuj\u0105, kt\u00f3rzy s\u0105 gotowiryzykowa\u0107<\/strong>\u00a0w imi\u0119 nauczenia si\u0119 czego\u015b \u2013 maj\u0105 znacznie wi\u0119ksze szanse wyrobi\u0107 sobie cechycharakteru\u00a0<\/strong>lidera. To samo dotyczy ca\u0142ych zespo\u0142\u00f3w i jest jeszcze trudniejsze.<\/p>\n

      Jak coachowa\u0107 lider\u00f3w?<\/strong><\/p>\n

      Moja praca jako doradca, facilitator i coach nauczy\u0142a mnie, \u017ce\u00a0ka\u017cdy cz\u0142owiek jest inny<\/strong>\u00a0i dlatego tak wa\u017cne jest przemy\u015blane podej\u015bcie do jego rozwoju. W wychowywaniu lider\u00f3w zaleca\u0142bym wi\u0119c metody, kt\u00f3re, po pierwsze, buduj\u0105\u00a0zaufanie<\/strong>, bo bez niego nie mo\u017cemy pokona\u0107 wewn\u0119trznych barier, po drugie, kt\u00f3re\u00a0nie narzucaj\u0105<\/strong>\u00a0pogl\u0105d\u00f3w ani narz\u0119dzi, gdy\u017c te mog\u0105 przes\u0142oni\u0107 unikalne talenty osoby.<\/p>\n

      Trzeba zrobi\u0107 wszystko, aby do\u015bwiadczenie i refleksja rozwojowa przybli\u017cy\u0142a osob\u0119 do tych warto\u015bci<\/strong>\u00a0i talent\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re s\u0105 jej najbardziej\u00a0bliskie<\/strong>\u00a0\u2013 czyli mog\u0105 by\u0107 jej najskuteczniejszym i najpot\u0119\u017cniejszym narz\u0119dziem lidera. Jak najmniej sugerowa\u0107 czy podpowiada\u0107;\u00a0uwa\u017cnie s\u0142ucha\u0107<\/strong>\u00a0i pomaga\u0107 osobie odpowiadaniu sobie na\u00a0pytania<\/strong>, tak aby wydoby\u0107 to, co najcenniejsze \u2013 to zalecana regu\u0142a.<\/p>\n

      Aby osoby, lub zespo\u0142y, skorzysta\u0142y z dotychczasowego dorobku wiedzy trzeba zapewni\u0107 im dobre szkolenia. Aby znalaz\u0142y w\u0142asn\u0105 drog\u0119, wa\u017cne jest stosowanie metod, kt\u00f3re umo\u017cliwi\u0105 nabycie nowych\u00a0do\u015bwiadcze\u0144<\/strong>\u00a0i g\u0142\u0119bok\u0105\u00a0refleksj\u0119<\/strong>\u00a0nad nimi \u2013 takich jak nauka przez do\u015bwiadczanie, czy coaching nastawiony na odkrywanie tego, co maj\u0105 w sobie i na znajdowanie nowych mo\u017cliwo\u015bci.<\/p>\n


      \u015awiat zmienia si\u0119 coraz szybciej. Wczorajsi liderzy cz\u0119sto nie s\u0105 ju\u017c liderami, poniewa\u017c przestali si\u0119 zmienia\u0107, przestali si\u0119 uczy\u0107. Wiemy, \u017ce w firmach tylko niekt\u00f3re osoby s\u0105 liderami, pozostali to bardziej na\u015bladowcy i kibice. Je\u015bli chcemy budowa\u0107 skuteczne dru\u017cyny, a nie towarzystwo obserwator\u00f3w, to\u00a0potrzeba<\/strong>\u00a0wykszta\u0142ci\u0107 wi\u0119cej\u00a0lider\u00f3w<\/strong>\u00a0i lepszych lider\u00f3w.<\/p>\n

      Wsp\u00f3\u0142czesnym organizacjom coraz bardziej potrzeba ludzi, kt\u00f3rzy, zamiast powiela\u0107 innych, poszukaj\u0105\u00a0tw\u00f3rczych rozwi\u0105za\u0144<\/strong>, odwo\u0142uj\u0105c si\u0119 do w\u0142asnych warto\u015bci i do\u015bwiadcze\u0144. Takich ludzi organizacje powinny ho\u0142ubi\u0107 i\u00a0wspiera\u0107<\/strong>\u00a0w rozwoju.<\/p>\n

      Aby liderzy mogli zmienia\u0107 organizacje na lepsze, musz\u0105 doskonali\u0107 zdolno\u015b\u0107\u00a0uczenia si\u0119 od siebie <\/strong>samych, zdolno\u015b\u0107 rozwijania si\u0119 poprzez coraz to\u00a0g\u0142\u0119bszy wgl\u0105d<\/strong>\u00a0w siebie \u2013 przy jednoczesnym oduczaniu si\u0119 tego, co narzucone z zewn\u0105trz \u2013 tak, aby wzmacnia\u0107 swoje unikalne talenty i charakter.<\/p>\n

      Lider\u00f3w i potencjalnych lider\u00f3w mo\u017cna wesprze\u0107, dobieraj\u0105c\u00a0programy rozwojowe<\/strong>\u00a0prowadzone metodami ko-aktywnymi, czyli metodologicznie wspieraj\u0105cymi pe\u0142n\u0105 partycypacj\u0119 i odpowiedzialno\u015b\u0107 ucz\u0105cych si\u0119 za ich wyniki. Wymaga\u0107 to b\u0119dzie gruntownej\u00a0zmiany podej\u015bcia <\/strong>do rozwoju pracownik\u00f3w w wi\u0119kszo\u015bci naszych firm, jak r\u00f3wnie\u017c zmiany podej\u015bcia do uczenia si\u0119 wielu z tych, kt\u00f3rzy chcieliby by\u0107 liderami.<\/p>\n

      Jacek Skrzypczy\u0144ski, leadership coach,
      \nAfT Poland<\/p>\n<\/div>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

      Jak rozwija\u0107 lider\u00f3w w erze zmian? Jakich lider\u00f3w chcia\u0142by\u015b wykszta\u0142ci\u0107 w swojej organizacji? Sprawnie korzystaj\u0105cych ze sprawdzonych rozwi\u0105za\u0144 czy raczej nastawionych na tworzenie w\u0142asnych? Mo\u017cna rozr\u00f3\u017cni\u0107\u00a02 podej\u015bcia\u00a0do rozwoju osobistego: Mo\u017cna\u00a0uczy\u0107 si\u0119 od innych, poprzez obserwowanie innych i ich na\u015bladowanie korzystaj\u0105c z dost\u0119pnych teorii, materia\u0142\u00f3w, mentor\u00f3w; Mo\u017cna\u00a0uczy\u0107 si\u0119 od siebie, eksperymentuj\u0105c i odkrywaj\u0105c, poprzez do\u015bwiadczenia i […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":2,"featured_media":8052,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"_et_pb_use_builder":"off","_et_pb_old_content":"


      How to develop leaders in the era of change?<\/h1>\r\n<\/header>\r\n
      \r\n\r\nJacek Skrzypczynski, leadership coach\r\n\r\nWhat kind of leaders do you want to develop in your organization? Those who make efficient use of tried and tested solutions, or those who prefer creating their own? If the latter, then how do you develop them?\r\n\r\nThere are two basic paths of learning that a leader can use to grow.\r\n\r\n1. Learning from others<\/strong>, through observation and imitation, from books and mentors.\r\n\r\n2. Learning from oneself<\/strong>, through experimenting and self-discovery, based on personal experience followed by reflection.\r\n\r\nBoth approaches are useful and it is worth looking at their meaning and importance for educating leaders, regardless of whether it is an individual or a team. First, however, let me define the most important roles of leaders in organizations.\r\n\r\nWhy do organizations need leaders?<\/strong>\r\n\r\nBasically, I think their roles are:\r\n\r\nto create new visions and strategies \u2013 to inspire\r\n\r\nto implement change with the help of others \u2013 to be a role model\r\n\r\nto help others in their undertakings \u2013 to support\r\n\r\nAs long as work goes according to a plan, organizations mainly need good managers. However, these days, such a state is rare. Changes, both internal and external, occur more and more frequently. Organizations have to deal with such changes. They can do this either reactively <\/strong>(by managing the crisis), or proactively <\/strong>(by working on their visions and by helping their people to find solutions themselves). This is when leaders are needed.\r\n\r\nContinuous learning and improvement, the need for constant renewal<\/strong> of personal and organizational vision <\/strong>and strategy<\/strong>, and the necessity of finding completely new solutions<\/strong> demand an open, creative, and proactive approach based on experience and intuition, as well as emotional and spiritual intelligence \u2013\u00a0 qualities unique<\/strong> to a given person<\/strong> that cannot be imposed or imitated.\r\n\r\nSince proactiveness is a more effective strategy for an organization than putting out fires, we need highly aware<\/strong> leaders who actively confront <\/strong>the status quo<\/strong> and who creatively imagine new realities.<\/strong> To achieve this, we need people with special talents and a supportive organizational environment.\r\n\r\nQualities of leaders and their development<\/strong>\r\n\r\nIn his book \u201cThe 8th<\/sup> Habit,\u201d Stephen Covey identifies four essential qualities of a leader: vision, discipline, passion, and ethics. To develop all four qualities, one must work in the area of self-development<\/strong>: discovering one\u2019s path (passion and vision), based on one\u2019s values (ethics) and interests, in addition to being consistent (discipline).\r\n\r\nThrough his research Covey established that what is essential for a leader is not a set of<\/strong> tools<\/strong> to be mastered, but rather a set of universal principles<\/strong> of action<\/strong> which he must work out on his own. Tools are second-place to principles. For example, we would prefer to deal with an honest employee who can learn many tools, rather than with a dishonest, albeit well-educated, one.\r\n\r\nCovey\u2019s principles are basically character traits<\/strong> that are impossible to change by listening to lectures. In order to develop their character, the learners themselves must actively experiment and respond to important questions. This is why experiential education, action learning, and co-active coaching, for which I propose the common name of co-active<\/em><\/strong> methods<\/strong><\/em>, were developed.\r\n\r\nIn co-active methods, the responsibility<\/strong> for learning<\/strong> lies more with the learner than the coach. We are not accustomed to this because our schools teach differently, and that\u2019s why there are difficulties in implementing this approach on a larger scale. Hence Covey\u2019s words, \u201cLeadership is not a state, it\u2019s a conscious choice,\u201d are all the more meaningful to me. The student has a choice<\/strong> to learn<\/strong> passively<\/strong> or actively<\/strong>. Those who learn actively, who experiment more, who are prepared to take risks for the sake of learning, have a significantly better chance of developing the character traits of a leader. The same applies to entire teams and is even more challenging.\r\n\r\nHow to coach leaders<\/strong>\r\n\r\nMy work as a consultant, facilitator, and coach has taught me that every person is different<\/strong> and that\u2019s why a thoughtful approach to each person\u2019s learning is so important.\u00a0 Therefore, in educating leaders I would recommend methods which, first of all, build trust<\/strong> because without trust we cannot overcome our inner barriers; and secondly, which do<\/strong> not<\/strong> impose<\/strong> views or tools, since these can overshadow the unique talents of the individual.\r\n\r\nIt is crucial that experience and developmental reflection bring the potential leader closer to values and talents that are dear to them, that is, to their most effective and powerful assets as leaders. Suggest or hint as little as possible; listen carefully<\/strong> and help individuals answer questions for themselves<\/strong> to extract what is most valuable: this is the recommended rule.\r\n\r\nIn order for individuals or teams to take advantage of existing knowledge, they need proper education and training. In order for people to find their own path it is important to employ methods which let them acquire new experiences<\/strong> and which permit deeper reflection<\/strong>\u00a0 \u2013 such as learning through experience or coaching aiming to help learners discover what is inside them and see new possibilities.\r\n\r\nSummary<\/strong>\r\n\r\nThe world is changing at an accelerated rate. The leaders of yesterday are often no longer leaders because they ceased to change, ceased to learn. We know that only some people in companies are leaders the rest are imitators and spectators. If we want to build effective teams, not just crowds of observers, it is imperative to develop more leaders <\/strong>and better leaders.<\/strong>\r\n\r\nToday\u2019s organizations increasingly need people who, instead of repeating what others do, look for creative solutions<\/strong> while honoring their values and experience. Organizations will do well if they focus on supporting and developing them.\r\n\r\nIn order for leaders to change organizations for the better, they must perfect skills of learning from themselves<\/strong>, capabilities of developing through deeper insight into themselves \u2013 simultaneously unlearning things imposed from the outside \u2013 to strengthen their own unique talents and character.\r\n\r\nWe can support leaders and potential leaders choosing developmental programs employing co-active methods \u2013 where learners are methodologically supported in taking responsibility for their own learning<\/strong>. This requires a very significant change in the approach to people development in most companies. It also requires a change of approach to learning by those who wish to become leaders.\r\n\r\nJacek Skrzypczynski\r\n<\/strong>certified leadership (M. Goldsmith) and team coach (TCI, CTI, EEE)\r\nAdventure for Thought leadership & strategy\r\n\r\n<\/div>","_et_gb_content_width":"","footnotes":""},"categories":[8],"tags":[],"class_list":["post-6340","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","has-post-thumbnail","hentry","category-artykuly"],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.adventureforthought.com\/pl\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/6340","targetHints":{"allow":["GET"]}}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.adventureforthought.com\/pl\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.adventureforthought.com\/pl\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.adventureforthought.com\/pl\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/2"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.adventureforthought.com\/pl\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=6340"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/www.adventureforthought.com\/pl\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/6340\/revisions"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.adventureforthought.com\/pl\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/8052"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.adventureforthought.com\/pl\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=6340"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.adventureforthought.com\/pl\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=6340"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.adventureforthought.com\/pl\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=6340"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}