Adventure for Thought
About Aft
We coach, train and consult in the field of human and organizational management. We are focused on people and results, creating and delivering our programs and services with passion, in any language, in any place in the world.
01. Mission
Our philosophy, to a large degree, is based on the philosophy of Outward Bound – the world organization that helps youth, adults and companies develop their personal and team skills, reach high aims, overcome difficulties and learn how to help others.
Kurt Hahn, the man with great authority, is the founder of Outward Bound and World Universities. For him, the aim of education is to help people develop:
- enterprising curiosity,
- undefeatable spirit,
- tenacity in pursuit,
- readiness for sensible self-denial,
- compassion and service to others.
02. Idea
The idea of our company arose while working in Yukon for Canadian Army Cadets. In Whitehorse – the capital of Yukon – we came across a bakery that made the best bread for trappers. The bakery was called “Food for Thought”, which is ‘food’ that induces thoughts. Eureka! That is what Adventure means to us – the way to inspiration, insight and new ideas.
For us, Adventure means all intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual events that give us a chance to grow. We think that whatever happens to us can be Adventure – it only depends on our attitude. We can take advantage of every situation to learn something from it, provided that we keep the ‘adventurous attitude’ – the ability to take on challenges. With such an attitude our outlook on life is transformed from pain and suffering to real pleasure – regardless of problems we may face.
By combining Adventure with reflection we create training sessions that change the participants’ attitude of their work and life. People really inspired by adventure stop complaining, act effectively, and live fully.
03. Our philosophy
- belief in people and the power to make dreams come true
- the need for balance in life, peaceful co-existence with others and with nature
- the aspiration for continuous self-improvement, also through courage in taking risks
- the desire of supporting and servicing people to make the world better
Results that matter
Voted best by clients from 400 corporations*
We coach, train and consult in the field of human and organizational management. We are focused on people and results, creating and delivering our programs and services with passion, in any language, in any place in the world.
Our people have extensive experience in supporting international and local companies in taking on new challenges in human resources development. Being acutely aware of the difficulties that accompany processess of change, we support individuals, teams and organizations to overcome barriers and achieve objectives.
* (2004 – Forbes)
Meet our trainers

Jacek SKrzypczyński
Leadership/team coach, ICF PCC
Best trainer by Profit/Forbes
Leadership and team expert, certified by M. Goldsmith, CTI and TCI. Jacek has broad experience in the field of people and organizational development for international and Polish corporations. Expert in Leadership Development, Team Coaching and Experiential Learning. He works as an executive and expat coach as well as an MBA professor. Author of many articles and models in the fields of management, leadership, team work and personal growth –he developed “H” model.
Elżbieta Krokosz
Międzynarodowy coach, trener i HR Consultant
Od ponad 17 lat zajmuje się rozwojem ludzi w organizacjach. Specjalizuje się w rozwoju przywództwa, pracy z talentami w firmach oraz wdrażaniu całościowych systemów rozwoju pracowników.

Małgorzata Janecka
ICF Certified Coach/ Leadership Trainer
Coach, manager and trainer for leaders with 20 years’ experience in corporate business.
Process manager and designer. Designs and leads workshop for teams based on power of company mission and vision. Develop freshly promoted leaders in their new challenges, works with a teams in different stage of maturity. Ambassador and promoter of work – life balance. Mentor for mentors within Coloplast. As a coach works on business challenges with internal and external clients since 2012.
Areas of action
AfT Programs
Programs for managers
A series of courses developing managerial competencies including organizational management, motivating and managing people, development and communication of a vision/strategy, teamwork and personal development.
Programs for staff working with clients
A series of sessions for sales force and customer service supplying them with knowledge and competencies necessary for creation of stable, profitable relations with current and potential clients. Our goal is to inspire people to be effective ambassadors of the company, its values and products.
Programs for whole teams and departments
Here we focus at the development of interpersonal effectiveness. You should expect that your team will strengthen bonds, find a common understanding of values and attitudes; communication between team members will improve and the needs of team members will be better taken care of. Participants of these programs return to the company with new energy and initiative.
Programs for HR departments and internal trainers
Programs for managers and HR specialists providing participants with tools facilitating effective human resources management in your company, and developing the skills of trainers working inside your organization.
Programs for the whole organization
These programs will increase the effectiveness of the company operations and result in the improvement of its internal and external image. They include: strategic consulting, employee and client satisfaction studies, process optimization programs, organizational scanning, Assessment Centers, Corporate Social Responsibility and many others aligned with our mission and the needs of the client.
Contact us
+48 603 649 129